Education & Communication

An issue that every community faces is communication between patients and providers. The understanding of “what” and “how” when it comes to health is generally lost. We strive to have each patient understand their health, and what we as community health advisers are doing to improve their situation.

  • Our team of advisers source medical professionals and other volunteers from in country and around the world.

    The team then goes into underdeveloped areas to address community health needs as they are found.

    We focus on whole health based solutions rather than just managing the symptoms.

    So instead of just passing out medications, we teach each individual About their issues, What the treatment plan is, and Why.

How It works

Better Communication

better understanding

We the listen and work with local providers to help slow them down so that they can properly communicate what the issues are to the patient so that they wholly understand whats happening and why.

This trains providers to do this in a clinical setting as well, leading to better understanding from the community as a whole.

Basic Hygiene and nutrition are the building blocks of a functional community

Culture and Diet

We bring in specialists from the surrounding areas so we can have people on the ground who understand the culture and the eating habits within.

Working within the limits of the local community to find the best ways to accomplish the correct macro and micro ratio for each individual.

Taking these small steps allow for long term preventative solutions that are a plague to remote communities.

Understanding hygiene

We in more developed counties are drilled with the basic understanding of personal hygiene and its long term effects on health and wellness. This basic understanding is lacking in most developing counties.

The lack of education along with generational misunderstanding leads to the contamination that we normally see in these communities.

So it is up to us an organization to drill these same hygiene habits into the youth of these areas. Cultivating a culture of safety surrounding personal hygiene, water sanitation, and food handling.